What's New - NEO Pro 3.2 Build 394 (14 May 2008)

Topic T1164 Applies to NEO Pro 3.2


This describes the changes in the following release:

Version: 3.2 Build 394
Released: 14 May 2008

Release 3.2 Build 394 is a minor release that addresses a handful of issues (see next section) and adds some frequently requested new functionalities.

This is a free update for NEO Pro 3.x users. Click here for instructions on upgrading from a previous release.

What's in this Release

New Features:
- Export/import facilities for User Interface settings
- Option to position the Reading Pane to the right
- Comes with 4 pre-defined User Interface settings to accommodate different workflows and reading pane options
- Time limit on messages to be included in NEO's organization
- Help system now on-line

Minor Improvements:
- Keyboard shortcut for Flagged folder
- New Miscellaneous tab under Tools | Options with some new options
- Reduced default time for updating Word Index
- Default settings for new Bulk Mail folders improved

Issues addressed:
- Solved keyboard shortcut issue with F10
- Solved bug in defining master categories within NEO with Outlook 2003
- Delay when copying text from NEO's preview pane with Outlook 2007 solved
- Maintaining fonts when replying to an e-mail
- Problem solved with Category view when removing categories from Outlook

Last updated: 14 May 2008