Error occurs when Opening, Replying or Forwarding a message
Topic T1156
Applies to All NEO Products
Problem When you Open, Reply To, or Rorward an Unread message in NEO, and error occurs.
Error code ECsiNamedError 00000001-12 may also be reported.
Background On September 27, 2005 Microsoft released Office 2003 Service Pack 2 (SP2). This update can be manually installed or may have been installed on your computer automatically.
Service Pack 2 includes program changes that causes the above NEO problem to occur. You can determine if Service Pack 2 is installed by clicking About Microsoft Outlook on the Outlook Help menu. If installed, you will see 'SP2' at the end of the version line.
Resolution Download and install our v3.1 release. The problem does not occur in v3.1. NEO Pro Version 3.1 was made available on 23 September 2005.