What's New - NEO & NEO Pro 3.0 Build 312 (7 Dec 2004)

Topic T1111 Applies to All NEO products


This describes the changes to Version 3.0 Build 312 for both NEO and NEO Pro. This is a free upgrade for NEO 3 and NEO Pro 3 users. Click here for instructions on installing for the first time or upgrading from a previous release. If you participated in the Version 3 Beta program, and are still running a Beta version, click here.

We'd love to hear from you. Please send us an email if you have comments or questions about this release.

What's in this Release

This is a maintenance release to correct some errors along with a few new, minor features. All references to NEO below refer to both NEO and NEO Pro.

New or Enhanced Features
Issues Addressed

- Error: Access violation in TObject.InheritsFrom [e145]
- Error: Access violation or Integer Overflow caused by hot timer when closing [e672]
- Error: Access violation in TControl.Perform [e675]
- Error: Access violation in TCltFolder.GetFocusedView [e686]
- Error: Access violation in TxnDataSummary.AssignFixedFields [e237]
- Error: Access violation in TFramePreview.EditCategoriesExit [e488]
- Error: Access violation in TrayManager.InternalHideIcon [e144]
- Error: Access violation in CltSummaryTree.DoShortcutNotFound [e480]
- Error: Access violations caused by blank message in list pane [e244, e452, e703]
- Error: Assertion in CltSummaryTree.HandleShortcutAdd [e154]
- Error: Outlook interface not initialized [e683]
- Outlook not always started when NEO starts
- Selected folder highlight not adjusted when bolded/unbolded
- Nominating Outlook folders as SPAM doesn't always take effect
- Exchange Address an 'Invalid Format' when changing behavior
- No shortcut arrow on Contacts in Outlook view Folder List
- Asterisk in Search sometimes fails to find all records
- NEO comes to front when dismissing the New Mail Alert
- Warning in AttachPlus if Outlook is not default e-mail client
- Silent installation documentation incorrect
- Installation caused problems for other programs using Btrieve (e.g., Peachtree)

Last updated: 07 Dec 2004