Database Error: 86 or 87

Topic T1019 Applies to All NEO products


Database errors 86 and 87 are triggered by resource limitations related to our underlying database engine. The causes can vary. There are three resolutions and they should be tried in the order appearing below.

Note: If you have received this error immediately after running NEO or NEO Pro for the first time, please go to Resolution C.

Resolution A - for NEO 3 or NEO Pro 3 or later (not for NEO 2.5)

Any settings, license information, and catalog data will be preserved if you follow these steps.

If the above does not resolve your problem, please go to Resolution B.

Resolution B

  1. Close NEO or NEO Pro.
  2. Open Windows Task Manager (Ctrl-Alt-Del, then click Task Manager).
  3. Locate a process called w32mkde.exe. (In later Windows systems it is in the 'Processes' tab, in the Image Name column).
  4. Select w32mkde.exe then click 'End Process' or 'End Task' button - again depending on your operating system version.
  5. Close Task Manager and start NEO or NEO Pro.
If the above does not resolve your problem, please go to Resolution C.

Resolution C

  1. Click the Windows key and select Run
  2. Enter REGEDIT and press ENTER
  3. Navigate to: My Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Btrieve Technologies\Microkernel Workstation Engine\Version 6.15\Settings
  4. Scan the list and make sure the values for the following items are either equal to or higher than indicated. If they are lower, please change them to match the values below. Note that the brackets indicate what you should set them to [ hex (decimal)]:
You can change them by double clicking on the entry (eg Cache Size) to bring up the dialog window, choosing the decimal radio button, entering the value data (eg for Cache Size the decimal value is 4194304) and then pressing OK.

If these steps do not resolve your problem, send us an email.

Last updated: 26 May 2008